Friday, March 4, 2022



[James wakes up and sighs]

Maria Murphey: James you are 10 minutes late from your wake up time. I already have your bowl of milk on the counter, just go eat your cereal.

[James pours his cereal and all the cereal completely misses and falls on the table and floor]

[James leaves his house and walks to his bus stop. He arrives and checks the time and he is 20 minutes late to his stop. A car drives by and accidentally splashes James with puddle water.]

James Murphey to his mom on the phone: Can you drop me off to school today... Yes, I missed the bus again...

{Afterschool in an alleyway}

[James is waiting for his friend Kofi]

[Kofi walks into the alley]

Kofi King: Ayo my man Jimmy wassup.

James: Nothing much man

Kofi: So you got it man? Or you gonna keep me waiting?

[James slides King a bag of weed]

Kofi says into his shirt: Ayo I got it

[A DEA agent starts to chase after James]

Kofi: Sorry man! I got caught sellin’ at the police station, they gonna drop charges if I helped them out!

{James makes it out of the alley way onto the sidewalk}

Homeless Man (Blocking James way and stopping him from running): Hey you got spare change?

[The DEA Agent catches up to James]

DEA Agent: Finally caught you in the act again huh?

[The DEA Agent starts to Miranda his rights]

James: I swear imma kill that idiot Kofi


Page 1: James Murphey, the main character, wakes up, gets yelled at by his mom to go to school, and spills all his cereal on the floor in a rush. He rushes out the house, forgets his keys then goes back to get them, and goes to the bus stop. He checks his pockets to make sure the drugs are still there and he gets splashed by puddle water. He realizes that he missed the bus so he calls his mom to pick him up. The next scene on this page is him in an alleyway afterschool waiting for his friend Kofi.

Page 2: Kofi and James meet, and James gives Kofi drugs. It turns out that Kofi was working with the police, and a DEA agent finds them and runs after James.

Page 3: As James is running away from the DEA agent, he runs into a homeless man which blocks his way and allows the DEA agent to catch up to him. The DEA agent handcuffs James and James is furious at Kofi and sad that he got caught. 


  [James wakes up and sighs] Maria Murphey: James you are 10 minutes late from your wake up time. I already have your bowl of milk on the co...