Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Genre Research Decision: Thriller

 My group and I decided to do the genre of "Thriller". We like the idea of suspense created by this genre. We think that it would create an incentive to want to watch more of the movie. Certain elements of this genre also are more appealing towards us. Elements like Close-ups will be good for parts of the opening where we can see the main character smuggling drugs. Elements like tracking shots will be good for scenes of suspense when we are following the character and seeing what he does. Focus/Blur will be a useful element to portray POV scenes of the character under an influence. This Focus effect will go hand-in-hand with a POV shot. 

    Also, my group and I like the genre of thriller better than comedy and action. Thriller movies provide a feeling of intensity and we enjoy that. We plan to use this feeling of intensity to create a cliffhanger. This cliffhanger, along with the feeling of suspense will urge people to want to watch more. Also, thrillers can also include elements of comical and action movies. This includes funny moments and fights with explosions.

    Since our storyline is about a boy who seems to be following Murphy's Law, that will already create a thriller environment. Having drugs be a part of the storyline will create suspense, also an element in a thriller film. We plan on having funny scenes included, going hand-in-hand with Murphy's Law. This is to make the short film enjoyable. Thriller films are also very popular, showing us that people like that. Since we are aiming to create suspense, funniness, and a cliffhanger, we are sure that people would want to keep watching the film.

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